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The Soulveda Community is expanding... Join us !!!

➡How often do you take attention of the surroundings?

➡Have you considered whether you are being yourself?

➡Have you practised living in the moment and noticing the little things?

➡Have you acknowledged and embraced the elements within you?

➡Have you experienced the support of people who align with your goals?

The Soulveda Community is expanding Whether you feel the call to join our lovely group or need some one-on-one help, you are more than welcome. We support each other and share the desire to grow and enjoying the process.

Living an Ayurveda lifestyle goes beyond philosophy and ancient medicine is returning to the beginning and just be!

What's on???

  • Soulveda Community WhatsApp group to share experiences (message me to join in)

  • Weekly meditation (Usually every Saturday- face to face in Sydney or either Live) tune in on Instagram: to keep updated!

  • One on one Soulveda Program 8 weeks (Learning an Ayurvedic lifestyle and plan a routine according to Ayurveda)

  • One on one meeting, called " My elements design" (to figure out and understand your Doshas and how to balance them to get a better quality of life)

  • Cooking class (coming up) for beginners, learning to survive in the kitchen cooking an Ayurvedic food.

  • Soulveda Tastes, Ayurvedic and dynamic catering for your events!

  • Detox week (closed group- coming up) keep tuned on Instagram!

  • Soulveda Retreat (more informations coming up soon)

  • Soulveda Treatments (more informations coming up soon)

Send me a message for any more info...

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